Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A Very Long Time Coming


I've been meaning to get around to this blog for quite a few years now....but... well, life seems to get in the way, doesn't it? My kids grew up, moved out, I moved more than a few times, and have now settled (for a while).

In all fairness to myself since I know I won't be as regular a blogger as I would like to be, I am still very busy, some would even say more than ever. With my reborn commitment to the environment, specifically the health of our oceans, I am hereby publicly beginning the anonymous ramblings of a long time environmentalist. I do feel compelled to come clean and admit that I seriously waivered and all but lost hope entirely for the last year or so. I don't know what reawakened my innate optimism and idealism, but I'm glad to be back from that feeling of despair. To be clear, not of my own mental health, more importantly, the health of the planet.

So, what is this blog about? For many, many years, I've been a tree-hugger, enviromentalist, recycler extraordinaire. About 25 years ago, in a small rural town way, way up North, a small group of folks started recycling in a land otherwise very prodevelopement - even anti environmental. Eventually, I worked as the recycling coordinator in this town - trying to convince people about the benefits of the 3 R's - reduce, reuse, recycle. I did this and other enviro activities - the community and a big ol' oil company even began an amazing high school science contest that carries on today. I used to love to read the kids' entries on ways to save and improve upon the health of the local river.

Fast forward....after a move to the southern part of the state in which I grew up, I am a back to school, "nontraditional" student. I love the outdoors. I love to walk and run, although not so much running as I'm just not in that big of a hurry as I used to be.

I have one compulsion - and this is really the catalyst for this blog. I cannot walk / run past plastic trash without picking it up. Cannot do it. I try and try, but I picture a seabird starving to death or a beautiful little honu or sea turtle, mistaking it for food and swallowing it...I try to be as inconspicuous about it as possible, not drawing attention to myself, but that is impossible. People

I've decided I need to record my thoughts and observations - especially some of the comments I receive from passersby. Oh, for the unaware, a garbage grab is simply the picking up of trash peripheral to another activity - or it can be the main activity. I suppose it just rolls off the tongue and was adopted as another phrase for trash clean-up. So, my activity is walking or running - preferably along the beach - either on the strand or on the actual shore. (From thesaurus.com - the difference between a coast and the shore is the coast is the seaward limit of the land and the shore is the landward limit of the sea.) No matter where I am, this compulsion grips me and I usually succumb and pick up the trash (99%). Sometimes at the grave disapproval of a companion, if I am with someone that is not aware of my little problem.

I know how writing goes - and tho' I may be starting on one path, the nature of life will lead me where it will. I will try to remain anonymous, so forgive me if I sound elusive in facts - I am.

At any rate, this opening was longer than anticipated and I must be off to school. I'll see you soon.


Over and out,

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